My favourite Malaysian/Chinese Dishes

I was lucky enough back in the early noughties to spend 13 months in Asia and of that eight months in Malaysia where I had a contract with a company producing SMSC gateways.

During my KL stint I lived in a couple of places near the centre:  The last place was in a tower block near the district of Brickfields, which is an Indian quarter.  The office which was at KL Sentral was walking distance to Chinatown. Very often at lunchtime I'd shoot off on a solo mission and head for my favourite restaurants there.

Over the years since my time in Malaysia I've yearned for the dishes that I encountered during those days. Luckily for me there are many expat Malaysian Chinese communities around the world one of the biggest being here in London.

I wanted to make a note here in my blog as to a couple of my favourite ones, which are:

Wat Tan Hor.

Back in the day in Malaysia there were not that many obese Chinese, most were quite thin but there was this one guy who had an open air wok at a small eatery in the back streets of Chinatown who was on the rather large side. And with good reason! His Wat Tan Hor was to die for. For me it was a perfect combination of the eggs sauce keeping some of the central noodles soft and yet at the edges some of the noodles were slightly crispy.

Char Siu

My love for this dish actually predates my Asian-experience.  As a child I used to enjoy a noodle dish from a takeaway up the street from us in Surbiton.  The restaurant is long gone now sadly.  I remember the red coloured side of the pork strips clearly.

I'm pretty certain this dish normally came with rice.  Shame we don't have any photos, I think I got my first phone camera in maybe 2003 after I'd left - so no evidence remains.

There were other dishes, but I can't remember them so well. I'm still in touch with few friends from those days... One day soon KL I will be back!   And then complete this blog entry :)


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