I was wondering the other day, why, that from the beginning of the industrial revolution until maybe 1970 there was a terrific amount of invention; trains, planes, atom bombs, lighting, space travel, medical discoveries, radio, cars etc. But since then, things seem to have slowed down on that front: a railway station looks the same as in 1970, yet it looked very different in 1930, compare an airport today, to 1970 and then to 1930. Think about what New York city looked like in 1930 and then 1970 and today in 2014… See what I mean? There could be lots of reasons; things could be getting fine-tuned more: You can bet the aircraft will be a lot more efficient, and quiet etc., or maybe we reaching the peak of physical changes? I want to through an idea in the air - one of the reasons could be that a lot of the “smart brains” are now not developing cars, or planes today. But are working in comput...