
Showing posts from January, 2019

Business Ideas to try

Sometimes one wakes up in the morning, or takes a long leisurely bath - and "Archimedes-like" you get a brainwave .  Lots of people do, I even heard about a CEO who out a bath suite next to his corporate office to capitalise on this phenomenon. I get of lot of these "brainwaves".  Most business ideas (to their owners), seem "genius", at least initially.   After a day or two, the shine normally comes off them.  Bitter experience has taught me that peer reviewing your new business concept is the best way to get some honest feedback on whether it's a go-er or not. So I'm going to try the biggest "peer" review of them all - posting these ideas on the internet!  Of course the idea will have lost it's element of "surprise" - but maybe a reader will fancy using it a the seed of their business empire.  Or just having a good laugh if the idea it too "hare-brained". Ideas are important, but they are more or less free,...

Determining actual pixels rendered from relative settings

So I'm finally.. after maybe 17 years... getting round to looking at CSS in a bit more detail. Sadly CSS has moved on a bit in the last 17 years... I'm going to have to go ALL OUT. Doing it via an Udemy course - so far so good.  Just had a pretty mental lecture on how the browser finally calculates the actual "end result" pixel values; and I'm certain I'm going to need to refer to it again. The main new point here for me, em settings are measured relative to their parent font-size, if used to specify font-size, whereas em settings are measured relative to the current font-size, if used to specify lengths. em - is a multiplication factor, so 2em could be 2x the parent's font size for a font-size definition. Mind blown.

Recollections from a mis-spend youth

I came across an article in the Nottingham Evening Post. Brings back some memories.  No a lot of memories actually...which is a shame because I spend a large amount of my life during my 20s in these places.  

Twitter still doesn't allow phone numbers from Andorra

I last posted about this in 2013 !  It is now 2019! Lot of exclamation marks!! yes!!  Very very frustrating! Just trying to add a company twitter account to my mobile. And I'm still getting "This appears to be an invalid phone number. Please enter a valid phone number." message. My phone number entered is perfectly valid. Hey twitters..  How about fixing this. This appears to be an invalid phone number. Please enter a valid phone number. This appears to be an invalid phone number. Please enter a valid phone number.This appears to be an invalid phone number. Please enter a valid phone number. This appears to be an invalid phone number. Please enter a valid phone number.