301 redirect website
When a webmaster needs to move from one domain to another he or she needs to employ what is technically know as a 301 server redirect. Most people are familiar with an error 404. This is a "Page Not Found" error code that is understood by your browser. There are many errors in the 400-499 range, and they all mean something (kinda expected) went wrong on the client you were connecting with. There are many others but seen less often; for example, error 401 is "unauthorised" - maybe your username and password sent was incorrect. You can see all the well-known error codes on this site: http://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html Status codes in the 300-399 are "redirection" codes; not errors. They instruct the viewer (either a robot like Google's indexer, or a normal person using a browser) that they should in future not bother loading the original page, but go directly to the new page. Why might you want to redirect visitors to...