So it is time for a new laptop! My amazing Sony VPCCB has done so well over the years - I bought it in 2012 and it's still my daily workhorse. Upgraded it to an SSD and had to service the fan a couple of times it was going good until something happened to the video card and I had to band-aid by loading Ubuntu and running Visual Studio in a VM to access Windows. Not ideal, but kept me going for a few more months. Now with VS2017 it takes just too long to get everything running. The power supply also died last week. It is a sign. Now.. I've never really used tablets but I do fancy seeing if having one will encourage me to read the paper again - and these are all e-versions now (except Private Eye - still only available on the street of shame ). So this fancy Microsoft Surface 2 looks nice. Insanely expensive, but ooh so nice. I'm going to go for the big screen 15" and either the half or full terabtye model. 256gb will be filled up in no time. L...