Out with the old (domain names)

As many a webmaster, web-designer, web-entrepreneur knows: You "collect" domain names over the years. This happens almost by accident. You think of a idea, product, or brand - fire up your favourite webregistrar - and *bang* there goes $10 and you've got a new domain.com or .net or whatever. This is fine. Except that very often, very very often, nothing comes of it. It goes onto the "projects backburner" list and never comes off. Well sometimes. And it is always "deleted" - very very rarely will a domain progress beyond the backburner to progress. They just sit there, year after year billing $10 or whatever the renewal fee is - "ah.. one day I'll do this project" you say to yourself - but it never does. So today is clean out day. I've had a few domains in my time, and these two I'm getting rid of today have been with me a while, 10 years - 2004 I just checked the WHOIS for "onewaylinkexchange.com" and l...