
Showing posts from October, 2016

Been a good run!

So I started using Stack Overflow as a user back in 2013 – I’d lurked before, but never contributed. The collapse of the traffic on B&B UK meant that I’d finally taken the plunge and learnt .net.  This was a blessing in disguise, now 3 year later we are producing (together with MVC) the best website/applications I’ve ever made.   Anyway.. So I was playing around with some Java libs and this happened. Well.. actually it didn’t.    I noticed within a few days that I must have been mistaken and it didn’t make any difference to the amount of memory. The thing is.. with SO you need some reputation to “highlight” questions – get them answered sooner.  You can’t pay or bribe or offer favours.  Nothing but reputation.  So I was getting a few pluses..  And my family needed me.  So I just left it.   Clock, Clock – Even though’...

Playing fast and loose with Sterling

Frustrating times here. " If you believe you're a citizen of the world, you're a citizen of nowhere. You don't understand what the very word "citizenship" means." -          Theresa May Conference Party Speech 2016 Well I tell you Mrs May.  I am a "Citizen of the World" and I am affronted by your narrow minded, xenophobic views. My mother was born in Finland to a family that had emigrated there from Sweden.  My Father was born in India to an Irishman and his French Indian wife.  I grew up in London but was able to freely move to nearby my wife's family in Spain when my children were born, and have had the privilege of moving to Andorra and enjoy all its advantages. We've not stopped either – I look at the World with unlimited vision.  If my business or my desires take me – we will move to wherever we are made to feel welcome and can contribute. Where I can tell you I won't be going, or considering set...