Been a good run!

So I started using Stack Overflow as a user back in 2013 – I’d lurked before, but never contributed. The collapse of the traffic on B&B UK meant that I’d finally taken the plunge and learnt .net. This was a blessing in disguise, now 3 year later we are producing (together with MVC) the best website/applications I’ve ever made. Anyway.. So I was playing around with some Java libs and this happened. Well.. actually it didn’t. I noticed within a few days that I must have been mistaken and it didn’t make any difference to the amount of memory. The thing is.. with SO you need some reputation to “highlight” questions – get them answered sooner. You can’t pay or bribe or offer favours. Nothing but reputation. So I was getting a few pluses.. And my family needed me. So I just left it. Clock, Clock – Even though’...