
Showing posts from 2015

Password Inflexibility Madness

OK this is bordering on madness.  No, actually it is mad. I’ve got a few pretty complex passwords that I use on different classes of website. Now I found a really restrictive one!  Jet Airways.   Look… not a minimum of chars… but a strict limit. Really… can someone come up with biometric, or other secure way please!

Damn Quora is good

It is a bit of waste of time also, to be fair.  But here’s a great example of where a user hits the nail on the head.   I'm 1 co-founder out of 3. I came up with the original idea but can't commit more than 5 hours/week as I have a full-time job. However, I have 30 years of experience and an extensive network that will advance the company tremendously. I think that with that we should all have the same equity. Do you agree?       This guy Eric – gives a great example of how to divvy up the equity on a company based on Market Value of the work that you are doing.   Love it!

Three "Feel at Home"... Don't Block me!

Image       Just recording this… they’ve sent me a text when we crossed over to Spain…  So hopefully we be OK with these occasional trips.    

FW: [snip].com

I had to vent to this guy.  And it feels good. From: [snip] To: [snip]@[snip] Subject: RE: [snip].com Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 12:49:07 +0000 Hi [snip], No. Look.. I'll be honest with you.  I´m an entrepreneur and programmer.  For years I've been setting up web businesses and have always been frustrated by "domainers" who I see as nothing but carpetbaggers, adding no value whatsoever to my ventures.    Whilst I have bought domains with traffic, I very rarely buy a "this domain is for sale"-domain. I cannot tell you how over-the-moon I am about the new TLDs and never again shall I been beholden to someone trying to squeeze a sizable sum out of me for nothing. Fairey is my wife's maiden name that she still uses professionally.  So I'd buy it as a gift for her, but nothing else.   That puts a sizeable cap on the amount of cash I'd be prepared to spend. I recall from our previous engagements that the "owners" of th

Tidy badly encoded DB TABLE french chars

These few SQL lines came in handy when wanting a quick-fix for a poorly imported table UPDATE [rpt].[dbo].[vapProducts] SET Region = replace(Region,'Á©','é') UPDATE [rpt].[dbo].[vapProducts] SET Region = replace(Region,'Á´','ô') UPDATE [rpt].[dbo].[vapProducts] SET Region = replace(Region,'ÁŽ','Î')

Home Truths

  Had to pinch a couple of these        And one I could not find….   There is a graph showing how much as a percentage a programmer thinks a project is completed, vs how much its actually completed.   If someone knows where I can find this graph  - please let me know.    Here is the rough idea:      

Why web forms can be very irritating when they not working

I got an ACE-FX card when in the UK recently as my Credit Card companies were charging a horrific "Foreign Currency Surcharge" on every payment I was making in USD and EUR. It came quickly, in a day or two, and the original 50 GBP I loaded I was able to buy something from Google in USD for 25 USD no problem. So I get to Andorra and think, "Right I need to load this up".  So login to the Account. Huh, there are no transactions and no details.  They did have a problem initially with my details - damned apostrophe and some incorrect data entry their end (wrong birthdate) and a lovely little 0870 line where you have to "activate" your card before use that forces you to spend at least 3 mins on the phone - and considerably more if they have screwed your birthdate up, so you will never manage to activate... It's all coming back to me now. Anyway... Here I am.. I need to mail them.   Huh.. no traditional email just one of these damn form

how to actually burn the files to cd-rom disk

Windows 8.           Clicking “Burn to Disc” on the Share Tab of the Ribbon did not work  

how to build using msbuild

This is the format   MSBuild "MyProjectName.csproj" /T:Package /P:Configuration=Staging;PackageLocation="D:\Vishal\"     MSBuild "C:\Users\Karl\Documents\VSO Local Rep\RedPlanet\RPT Umbrella\RedPlanet\redPlanetWebsite\redPlanetWebsite\redPlanetWebsite.vbproj" /T:Package /P:Configuration=Debug;PackageLocation="c:\buildPackage\"     A reference to could not be added a reference to the component already exists in the project