Business Ideas to try

Sometimes one wakes up in the morning, or takes a long leisurely bath - and "Archimedes-like" you get a brainwave.  Lots of people do, I even heard about a CEO who out a bath suite next to his corporate office to capitalise on this phenomenon.

I get of lot of these "brainwaves".  Most business ideas (to their owners), seem "genius", at least initially.   After a day or two, the shine normally comes off them.  Bitter experience has taught me that peer reviewing your new business concept is the best way to get some honest feedback on whether it's a go-er or not.

So I'm going to try the biggest "peer" review of them all - posting these ideas on the internet!  Of course the idea will have lost it's element of "surprise" - but maybe a reader will fancy using it a the seed of their business empire.  Or just having a good laugh if the idea it too "hare-brained".

Ideas are important, but they are more or less free, and really to make a business succeed its in the "doing".  I don't have much time for "idea's men"; unless they are grafters too.

I'm going to post them once and while, all with the business idea tag


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