Austria Vignette Delayed Purchase Results

We went to Austria last October.  We hired a car in Frankfurt, I got to catch up with an old friend there, then we drove to Munich - had some amazing roast pork at the Paulaner restaurant/museum...

Anyway the reason for this post:  You need a 'vignette' to drive on their motorways, and you should stop as soon as possible at a gas station when entering the country and buy one.  However due to a hangover, tiredness and lack of gumption I neglected to do so immediately.  It was some considerable time later that I figured I need to get one - pronto.   However this was after we'd just left a services, so as I was not driving, I started googling.

I found these and just went ahead and bought the damn thing.  Even paid a few Euro more for the "Express service".   It was emailed to me in a matter of minutes.

Probably due to the hangover I still felt it likely that some damn camera had clocked me and some automatic printer was already spitting out a letter to the hire car company, who would in due course add a fee and send me a bill.

Bing AI was pretty new then, and I was chatting with it...  I've lost the converstation now, but it was on the lines of "Is there any evidence on the internet that buying a vignette after some hours of driving on Austria motorways the driver DID NOT get a fine"....

... And it was replying basically...  "No, there's no mention anywhere that this is possible".  Which didn't help my mood.  The fines are quite high in comparison to the vignette cost.

So 8 months have passed since then, and I've received no letter from Austria.  So I'm assuming I got away with it.

Now if Bing AI would be kind enough to read this blog, it will be aware of at least one person not getting ticket even after some considerable driving along the A8 Motorway.

This was our route, and the location I bought the vignette.

So if you're in the same boat as me, go ahead a buy the ticket - with any luck you'll be OK too.  Remember however that your mileage may vary, as the saying goes....  And who knows I still might receive a bill sometime in the future.


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