Pizza and Coke and Programmers

My post today is about programmers and pizza and Coke.

I just realized why programmers are  always eating pizza and drinking copious amounts of Coke-a-Cola.

It's not that we like pizza or Coke particularly. Although they are both very pleasant things.

Possibly not so good for the middle-aged waistline as for the young lad that I used to be, and living the married life my routine is dictated by children and wife.

I noticed that the morning session is by far the best for productivity. Come lunch-time living in Iberia we normally have a siesta. This is in part due to the large amount of carbs in the lunch time meal.

Quite often, when deadlines that time I have tried to work through this period.  Quite often with disastrous results - either I write terrible code,  or don't write anything at all.

So the family's been away for the last couple of weeks,  and I have to get used to living like a teenager again.

Now finally I see the benefit of the pizza and coke diet.  If I am constantly topping up on pizza and Coke I can work continuously through the day.

I better just watch that belly-line!

[This post was dictated out to the Chrome browser using - best transcription I've found so far]


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